uploads/fat back.jpg

fat back 1.腌用豬板油。2.(煉油或作肥料用)步魚 (= men...

fat cat

Miss douce composed her rose to wait . - ben machree , said mr dedalus , clapping ben s fat back shoulderblade . fit as a fiddle , only he has a lot of adipose tissue concealed about his person “我心中的山峰, 298 ”迪達勒斯先生拍了拍本那肥厚的后肩胛骨說, “很結實, 299不過身上藏的脂肪太多了點兒。 ”

Scaring eavesdropping boots croppy bootsboy bloom in the ormond hallway heard growls and roars of bravo , fat back - slapping , their boots all treading , boots not the boots the boy 他在奧蒙德的門廳里聽見叫嚷和喝采的聲音和用胖嘟嘟的手拍著脊背的響聲以及用靴子跺地板的聲音是靴子,而不是擦鞋侍役。